226 Bathurst St #200, Toronto
Incredible Opportunity To Lease This Professional Office Space Located At Bathurst And Queen! MainFloor, Newly Renovated, Ac Plus Operable Windows For Fresh Air, Mix Of Open Area And Built Out Offices,Wheelchair Access, Soaked In Natural Light, Ensuite Kitchenette And Boardroom, Updated Bathroom. Complywith zoning regulations for Medical/dental. Long Or Short (2 Years +) Term Leases Will Be Considered.
226 Bathurst St, Toronto, Ontario M5T 2R9
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Subscribe Now226 Bathurst St is a Commercial Property located in the city of Toronto. 226 Bathurst St has been listed For Lease at $6,299 . This
property . Situated in Trinity-Bellwoods neighbourhood , with the nearest intersection being Bathurst And Queen St.Listing Brokerage: FOREST HILL REAL ESTATE INC.