16 Westbury Rd #106, Wasaga Beach
Professional Tenant(s) or Retiree(s) would be best-suited for this updated, open-concept, ground level corner-unit. 2Bedroom 2Bathroom 2Parking 2W/Os. High-End Finishes throughout. Ideal location near shopping, restaurants, beaches & amenities. AAA tenants with proof of employment & emp letter(s), Equifax history & score, previous landlord letter of Ref., Rental app.
16 Westbury Rd, Wasaga Beach, Ontario L9Z 0B8
School | Type | Rating |
School | Type | Rating |
Disclaimer: The property is not necessarily in the boundary of the schools shown above. This map indicates the closest primary and secondary schools that have been rated by the Fraser Institute. There may be other, closer schools available that are not rated by the Fraser Institute, or the property can be in the boundary of farther schools that are not shown on this map. This tool is designed to provide the viewer an overview of the ratings of nearby public schools, and does not suggest association to school boundaries. To view all schools and boundaries please visit the respective district school board’s website.
Based on last 30 days transactions for Condo Properties in the Wasaga Beach community.
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16 Westbury Rd is a Condo Property located in the city of Wasaga Beach. 16 Westbury Rd has been listed For Lease at $2,200 since Aug 10 2023. This
Apartment condo has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and is 800-899 sqft. Situated in Wasaga Beach neighbourhood , with the nearest intersection being River Rd/Westbury Rd.Listing Brokerage: FOREST HILL REAL ESTATE INC.