7 Booth St , Oro-Medonte
Commercial storefront with house. Opportunity to live in, and conduct business atthe storefront. This location provides great exposure for your business on Highway 11 Entrance isnorthbound. Located in between Barrie and Orillia. Brick-back split home with approx. 1500 sq. ft.retail space. The back of the house is occupied by owner, Front house tenanted at $2,350 monthly.Front of house has 3 bedrooms 2 bath. Lot approx 3/4 acre & backs onto golf course.
Newer gas furnace and air conditioner Fall 2022. Approx 4 year old replaced roof.
7 Booth St, Oro-Medonte, Ontario L0L 1T0
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Subscribe Now7 Booth St is a Commercial Property located in the city of Oro-Medonte. 7 Booth St has been listed For Sale at $850,000 . This
property . Situated in Rural Oro-Medonte neighbourhood , with the nearest intersection being Highway 11 Northbound.Listing Brokerage: FOREST HILL REAL ESTATE INC.